
Work Catalogue

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Creator Title Year composed Instrumentation Genre Duration
Matthew Whiteside Quartet No. 6 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 12
Timothy Cooper ...shadows that in darkness dwell... 2019 Ensemble and electronics 18
Matthew Whiteside Quartet No. 5 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 18
Matthew Whiteside Quartet No. 4 (Entangled) 2018 Ensemble and electronics 16
Matthew Whiteside Rama 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 13
Matthew Whiteside ...everyone is a child of the inbetween... 2018 Ensemble (no conductor) 11
Matthew Whiteside Little Black Lies 2017 Stage and ensemble 18
Matthew Whiteside Piece for Violin and Bass Clarinet 2017 Ensemble and electronics 10
Sonia Killmann Seams 2000 Solo instrument 0
Oliver Searle Sauchiehall 2016 Ensemble (with conductor) 9
Drew Hammond Suite, for Claude Debussy in Memoriam 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 12
Francis Macdonald Hamilton Mausoleum Suite 2016 Ensemble (no conductor) 45
Francis Macdonald Music For String Quartet, Piano & Celeste 2015 Ensemble (no conductor) 45
Francis Macdonald Dùn 2016 Ensemble (with conductor) 5
Claire McCue In Pursuit... 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 16
Claire McCue Songs from Tell Us Who We Are 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) None
Claire McCue Baloo Lammy Balulalow 2020 Vocal 0
Claire McCue I Regret Your Sex 2018 Vocal 14
Claire McCue Giants, Causeways & Consequences (2020) 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 8
Oliver Searle Sequenza 2007 Solo instrument 6
Oliver Searle 'A' Chewed 2009 Solo instrument 3
Matthew Whiteside Ulation 2000 Ensemble and electronics 6
Oliver Searle A Little Austerity 2010 Solo instrument 3
Claire McCue Prey 2012 Ensemble (no conductor) 8
Oliver Searle Deathletics 2004 Ensemble (with conductor) 12
Karen Maciver dedicated... 2013 Ensemble (no conductor) 60
Sonia Allori Last Tango in Liverpool 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 7
Oliver Searle Nightfishing 2010 Ensemble (with conductor) 22
Sonia Allori Concentric Circles 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 5
Oliver Searle Jungle High Street 2004 Ensemble (with conductor) 6
Oliver Searle Snowbirds 2009 Ensemble (no conductor) 9
Oliver Searle Stentorophony 2002 Ensemble (with conductor) 5
Oliver Searle Downwarp 2004 Ensemble (no conductor) 6
John Hearne Solemn and Strange Music 1998 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Joe Stollery Sticks and Stones 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 7
Emily Doolittle Bowheads 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Shiori Usui Colour of Drifters 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Matthew Whiteside Night Thoughts 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 7
Matthew Whiteside Response One 2019 Solo instrument 3
Matthew Whiteside Response Two 2019 Sound Art 3
Matthew Whiteside Repercussive 2017 Ensemble (with conductor) 10
Rory Boyle Cinderella 1990 Ensemble (with conductor) 11
Rory Boyle Sorceries, Charms and Spells 1990 Ensemble (no conductor) 9
Rory Boyle Giochi Di Sospiri 1992 Ensemble (no conductor) 10
Rory Boyle Four Ways to Play Reels 1997 Ensemble (no conductor) 7
Rory Boyle Beastly Tales 2001 Ensemble (with conductor) 80
Rory Boyle Phaethon's Dancing Lesson (Piano Trio No. 2) 2002 Ensemble (no conductor) 13
Rory Boyle Elegy For The Black Bitch 2004 Ensemble (no conductor) 7
Rory Boyle Fluting 2007 Ensemble (no conductor) 4
Rory Boyle A Box Of Chatter 2009 Ensemble (no conductor) 12
Rory Boyle Tallis' Light 2011 Ensemble (with conductor) 11
Rory Boyle Elegy (for oboe and string quartet) 2012 Ensemble (no conductor) 6
Rory Boyle Di Tre Re e Io 2015 Ensemble (no conductor) 18
Rory Boyle Three Faces In The Crowd (Piano Trio No 3) 2017 Ensemble (no conductor) 17
Rory Boyle Trio Notturno 2017 Ensemble (no conductor) 17
Rory Boyle String Quartet No 2 (Quartetto da Requiem) 2017 Ensemble (no conductor) 23
Rory Boyle Auld Nick's Dance Tunes Volume 6 2008 Ensemble (with conductor) 10
Rory Boyle Intrada 2015 Ensemble (with conductor) 10
Rory Boyle 5 Bagatelles 1990 Ensemble (no conductor) 8
Rory Boyle Sonata for Cello and Piano 1991 Ensemble (no conductor) 14
Rory Boyle Lament 1999 Ensemble (no conductor) 8
Rory Boyle Lullabies For Daft Jamie 2003 Solo instrument 8
Rory Boyle Touch 2008 Solo instrument 5
Rory Boyle Corrente 2009 Solo instrument 4
Rory Boyle Partita a Quattro 2011 Solo instrument 14
Rory Boyle Such Sweet Sorrow 2009 Solo instrument 6
Rory Boyle Sin-Eater 2011 Ensemble (no conductor) 7
Rory Boyle Burble 2012 Solo instrument 7
Rory Boyle Dramatis Personae 2012 Ensemble (no conductor) 12
Rory Boyle Baloue (Lullaby) 2015 Solo instrument 3
Rory Boyle Scarlattiana 2017 Solo instrument 18
Rory Boyle Autumn Music 2018 Ensemble (no conductor) 12
Rory Boyle Vigils 1971 Ensemble (no conductor) 20
Rory Boyle Images Of Night 1983 Vocal 16
Rory Boyle Two Love Lyrics 1984 Vocal 5
Rory Boyle Four Greek Love Songs 1985 Vocal 9
Rory Boyle Behemoths 2006 Ensemble (with conductor) 8
Rory Boyle Wild Nights 1989 Ensemble (with conductor) 20
Rory Boyle Windsongs 1996 Ensemble (with conductor) 12
Rory Boyle Fires Of Bride 2004 Ensemble (with conductor) 20
Rory Boyle His Name Is Time 2011 Ensemble (with conductor) 15
Rory Boyle Selkie Song 2014 Ensemble (with conductor) 7
Rory Boyle Watching Over You 2014 Ensemble (with conductor) 28
Rory Boyle Songs From The Marshes 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 24
Rory Boyle Two Pieces for solo violin (Baloue & Elagie) 2016 Solo instrument 9
Rory Boyle Music From the High Wood 2016 Other 6
Rory Boyle 5 2013 Solo instrument 5
Rory Boyle Duelogue 2015 Other 6
Rory Boyle Six T{ok}ens 2016 Solo instrument 6
Rory Boyle Capriccio On The Anniversary of a Beloved Master 2000 Solo instrument 5
Rory Boyle From Golden Morning to Blackets Night 2012 Vocal 15
Rory Boyle O Sacrum Convivium 2015 Ensemble (with conductor) 3
Rory Boyle Nobilis Humilis 2016 Ensemble (with conductor) 7
Rory Boyle Two Nocturnes 2016 Ensemble (with conductor) 8
Rory Boyle The Cross Over The Cradle 2017 Vocal 7
Rory Boyle Moduli 1985 Solo instrument 10
Rory Boyle Three Pieces for Organ 1987 Solo instrument 11
Rory Boyle Sonata for Piano 1991 Solo instrument 20
Rory Boyle Three Studies For the One In The Middle 1998 Solo instrument 6
Rory Boyle Reeling 2001 Solo instrument 4
Rory Boyle Beelzebub Dances 2003 Ensemble (no conductor) 11
Rory Boyle A Handful of Leaves 2008 Ensemble (no conductor) 16
Rory Boyle Les Deux Adieux de Marie 2011 Vocal 7
Matthew Whiteside tes orcestra 2010 Ensemble (no conductor) 10
Rory Boyle Sorella 2002 Ensemble (with conductor) 22
Rory Boyle Concerto for Marimba and Orchestra 1992 Ensemble (with conductor) 20
Rory Boyle Capriccio 1995 Ensemble (with conductor) 16
Rory Boyle Winter Music 1986 Ensemble (with conductor) 20
Rory Boyle That Blessed Wood 2010 Ensemble (with conductor) 26
Rory Boyle Kaspar Hauser Suite 2012 Ensemble (with conductor) 25
Rory Boyle Muckle Flugga 2014 Ensemble (with conductor) 16
Rory Boyle Pictures Of Mole 1976 Ensemble (with conductor) 15
Rory Boyle Perchance To Dream 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 14
Rory Boyle Dancing With Dr William 1994 Ensemble (with conductor) 20
sound Coffee chat 2020 Other 0
Neil Tòmas Smith Aphelion 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 10
Neil Tòmas Smith Perihelion 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 10
Neil Tòmas Smith The Music Lesson 2020 Solo instrument 8
Neil Tòmas Smith Strange Machines 2014 Solo instrument 8
Neil Tòmas Smith so much altered 2017 Vocal 7
Neil Tòmas Smith The Tenants' Songbook 2019 Other 10
Neil Tòmas Smith Scaffold for Simon 2016 Solo instrument 7
Neil Tòmas Smith The Hoard 2016 Vocal 20
Neil Tòmas Smith 3 Political Songs 2019 Vocal 10
Neil Tòmas Smith a very innocent diversion 2020 Vocal 8
Matthew Whiteside teougbg 2010 Ensemble and electronics 100
Drew Hammond Boyajian Star Music 2017 Ensemble (with conductor) 8
Stuart MacRae Prometheus Symphony 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 35
Kevin Leomo Silhouettes 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 7
Kevin Leomo catching the light 2020 Solo instrument 5
Kevin Leomo Nocturne 2017 Solo instrument 7
Julian Wagstaff Piano Quintet 2002 Ensemble (no conductor) 20
Julian Wagstaff Treptow 2005 Ensemble (with conductor) 1
Julian Wagstaff John Paul Jones 2001 Stage and ensemble 140
Julian Wagstaff Breathe Freely 2013 Stage and ensemble 40
Julian Wagstaff A Persistent Illusion 2011 Ensemble (no conductor) 19
Julian Wagstaff In Extremis 2011 Ensemble (no conductor) 23
Julian Wagstaff Symphony for Chamber Orchestra 2005 Ensemble (with conductor) 25
Julian Wagstaff Herbridean Sunset Rag 2006 Ensemble (no conductor) 4
Julian Wagstaff The Turing Test 2007 Stage and ensemble 60
Julian Wagstaff Symphonic Overture from John Paul Jones 2004 Ensemble (with conductor) 13
Julian Wagstaff Saxaphone Sonata 2004 Ensemble (no conductor) 12
Oliver Searle Faith, Hopes and Charity 2017 Solo instrument 5
Oliver Searle Close to Shore 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 20
Oliver Searle Close to Shore 2012 Ensemble (with conductor) 20
Oliver Searle Mean Tone 2009 Solo instrument 8
Oliver Searle The Illicit Still 2019 Solo instrument 5
sound New music 2020 Other 0
Siobhan Dyson Anticipation 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 12
Siobhan Dyson The 45 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 13
Siobhan Dyson The Life of a Beaked Whale 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 10
Siobhan Dyson 13 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 10
Christopher Hutchings Send Lazarus 2020 Vocal 4
Ruta Vitkauskaite KRAGRAGA 2016 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Renzo Spiteri Stillness 2019 Other 60
Matthew Whiteside Talk 2020 Other 0
Bill Sweeney Seann Orain: Songs from South Uist 1989 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
John McLeod Frammenti Capricciosi 2020 Solo instrument 0
John McLeod Fantasy on themes from Britten's 'Gloriana' 2012 Solo instrument 0
Drew Hammond Soliloquy 2021 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Aileen Sweeney Above the Stars 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 4
Aileen Sweeney The Wooden Web 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 6
Aileen Sweeney Siku 2020 Solo instrument 6
Aileen Sweeney Breathing Place 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 12
Aileen Sweeney CEILIDH 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 4
Aileen Sweeney Mare Nostrum 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 6
Aileen Sweeney FAKE 2017 Ensemble (no conductor) 8
Aileen Sweeney Music for John (after Feldman) 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 5
Aileen Sweeney String Quartet No.9 Opus 3001 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 7
Sonia Killmann Them! There! Eyes? 2020 Sound Art 0
Oliver Searle my day of carnage 2003 Ensemble (with conductor) 5
Matthew Whiteside Quartet No. 6 (Ma) - String Orchestra Arrangement 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 12
Emily Doolittle Gardenscape 2020 Solo instrument 0
Antonia Kattou it's a sad child that destroys its own weather 2021 Solo instrument 7
Aileen Sweeney siku 2021 Solo instrument 0
Eddie McGuire The Loving of Etain 3-act opera 1990 Ensemble (with conductor) 90
Sonia Killmann Collision 2021 Solo instrument 0
Oliver Searle Dalriada 2011 Ensemble (no conductor) 18
Gemma McGregor Joy 2018 Sound Art 0
Eddie McGuire Peter Pan 3-act ballet 1989 Ensemble (with conductor) 110
Eddie McGuire A Glasgow Symphony 1990 Ensemble (with conductor) 35
Eddie McGuire Calgacus: symphonic poem 1976 Ensemble (with conductor) 16
Eddie McGuire String Trio II 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 16
Eddie McGuire Symphonies of Galaxies 2015 Ensemble (with conductor) 12
Eddie McGuire Viola Concerto 1998 Ensemble (with conductor) 22
Eddie McGuire Pipes of Peace 1986 Vocal 20
Eddie McGuire Divertimento 1979 Ensemble (with conductor) 10
Eddie McGuire Kaleidoscope Fanfare 2003 Ensemble (with conductor) 4
Eddie McGuire St Petersburg Triptychs film score 2021 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Oliver Searle Pilgrim of Curiosity 2014 Ensemble (no conductor) 36
Aileen Sweeney Feda 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Rylan Gleave UNSUNG II; even from a loved one 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Katherine Wren Meditation on Da Day Dawn 2020 Solo instrument 0
Gemma McGregor Carry His Relics 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Gemma McGregor On the Trysted Shore 2021 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Katherine Wren Lagarfljót 2019 Solo instrument 0
Eddie McGuire Nocturne & Sunrise 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Erin Thomson Infinite Kaleidoscope 2020 Solo instrument 7
Erin Thomson Gwerz á la Drone 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 7
Erin Thomson Through the Headlights 2021 Ensemble (with conductor) 7
Erin Thomson Divided Light 2021 Ensemble (with conductor) 12
Erin Thomson Linger to Sea 2021 Solo instrument 6
Eddie McGuire The Big Bang 2005 Solo instrument 0
Eddie McGuire Orbit 1994 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Five Stars in Auriga 2004 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Karen Maciver Improv 2021 Solo instrument 0
Rufus Isabel Elliot A/am/ams (come ashore; turn over) 2021 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Earthrise 2003 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Claire McCue Ghost Ship 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Kevin Leomo Close to the Bone 2017 Ensemble (no conductor) 6
Kevin Leomo at the still point 2021 Ensemble (no conductor) 10
Kevin Leomo limen 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 8
Kevin Leomo near dark 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 18
Kevin Leomo the surface of the night 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Aileen Sweeney The Land Under the Wave 2021 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Piobaireachd to the Brahmaputra 1989 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Ruta Vitkauskaite Canntaireachd 2021 Solo instrument 0
Ruta Vitkauskaite The Oracle of Many Winds 2021 Solo instrument 0
Emily Doolittle Gannery 2021 Solo instrument 0
Ruta Vitkauskaite Eyebright 2021 Solo instrument 0
Emily Doolittle new work 2021 Solo instrument 0
Ruta Vitkauskaite new work 2021 Solo instrument 0
Stephen Chase Five Simple Pieces 2018 Ensemble (no conductor) 6
Stephen Chase Pakopa Piece 2015 Vocal 12
Stephen Chase I saw these gaps of explanation rolling like wheels contrary within themselves, alien motions on fire with coriolis demeanour 2014 Ensemble (no conductor) 15
Stephen Chase Jandl Songs 2021 Vocal 60
Jake spence Woolgathering - A Symphonic Fantasy for Strings 2021 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Stephen Chase Trio 2 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 1
Fraser Fifield Piobaireachd / Pipe Music 2021 Other None
Cryptic Kistvaen and Gavin Bryars 2021 Sound Art 0
Kevin Leomo diaphanous 2021 Solo instrument 6
Siobhan Dyson Long Sharp Winds 2019 Solo instrument 0
Ben Lunn If Conlon Met Rhona... 2021 Ensemble and electronics 0
Ben Lunn Farewell Lucy 2022 Solo instrument 0
Siobhan Dyson The Silence of the Blue Star 2021 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Ronald MacNiven Japonica 2015 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Rebecca Rowe Three Pieces for Soprano and Clarinet 2015 Ensemble (no conductor) 4
Rebecca Rowe Kaleidoscope 2017 Ensemble (no conductor) 9
Rebecca Rowe About The Cauldron Sing 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 7
Rebecca Rowe Journeying 2019 Solo instrument 3
Rebecca Rowe Shine Out, Fair Sun 1994 Vocal 5
Rebecca Rowe There Is Nothing Brighter Than The Sun 1994 Vocal 3
Rebecca Rowe In The Deep 2011 Other 10
Rebecca Rowe Within The Living Eye 2020 Vocal 11
Oliver Searle A' Sheumais 2022 Vocal 0
BBC SSO Christopher Rouse Flute Concerto 1993 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
BBC SSO Danse macabre (Jörg Widmann) 2022 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Christopher Hutchings Let Them Not Say 2020 Vocal 5
Christopher Hutchings Where Are My Unnumbered Days? 2018 Vocal 4
Erin Thomson Pentimentum 2022 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Tommy Fowler Aurora 2022 Other 0
Pippa Reid-Foster Elements One 2016 Ensemble and electronics 0
Pippa Reid-Foster Elements Two 2020 Ensemble and electronics 0
Pippa Reid-Foster Elements One 2020 Ensemble and electronics 0
Pippa Reid-Foster The Fading Light 2021 Other 0
Eddie McGuire Three Donne Lyrics 2017 Other 0
Deborah Shaw It's In The Trees -2 Solo instrument 0
Helen Mackinnon The Rinns of Islay 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 20
Helen Mackinnon Ave Maris Stella 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 6
Helen Mackinnon Caledonian Tracks 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 7
Helen Mackinnon Silent Night 2022 Vocal 3
Helen Mackinnon Spring / Remember Me 2022 Vocal 6
Helen Mackinnon Mass for the Spirit 2018 Vocal 20
Helen Mackinnon Gloria in excelsis Deo 2015 Vocal 5
Helen Mackinnon Sanctus 2018 Vocal 1
Helen Mackinnon Skin and Bone 2002 Ensemble (no conductor) 11
Helen Mackinnon My Voice 2016 Vocal 8
Helen Mackinnon Credo 2018 Vocal 6
Christopher Hutchings Send Lazarus 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Christopher Hutchings The Rules 2021 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
David Wilson My Heart Makes Songs on Lonely Roads 2014 Ensemble (with conductor) -14
Don MacKeen condensation 2022 Other 7
Stuart MacRae Ixion 2014 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Emily Doolittle Gliese 581c 2008 Solo instrument 0
Stuart MacRae Ursa Minor 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Helen Mackinnon Spring 2022 Vocal 0
Helen Mackinnon Remember 2022 Vocal 0
Claire McCue "There's an Alien in my Spaceship" 2022 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Claire McCue No Ear-rest for the Nearest 2021 Solo instrument 0
Claire McCue The Ballad of Mulan 2021 Other 7
Emily Doolittle Machair Flowers 2021 Solo instrument 0
Music CoOPERAtive The Darkest Shore by Tom Harrold 2020 Ensemble (with conductor) 8
Gregor Forbes new work 2022 Other 0
Au Arias Gruta de Ninfas 2014 Ensemble and electronics 0
Giles Lamb Dead Island 10th Anniversary 2011 Ensemble (with conductor) 4
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Collision 2016 Stage and ensemble 90
Lewis Coenen-Rowe The Storm 2017 Stage and ensemble 20
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Last Thursday 2018 Stage and ensemble 25
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Anhedoniac 2017 Ensemble (with conductor) 10
Lewis Coenen-Rowe It's all just a bit much isn't it? 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 10
Lewis Coenen-Rowe I'm Sorry 2019 Ensemble (no conductor) 10
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Suddenly. Everything Feels 2020 Ensemble (no conductor) 25
Lewis Coenen-Rowe I'm terribly sorry but I can't escape the impression that this is all overwhelmingly pointless 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 9
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Ghosts and Children 2017 Vocal 20
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Lockdown solos 2020 Solo instrument 5
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Show Some Restraint!! 2018 Ensemble (with conductor) 8
Peter Nelson Dance Variations 2022 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
John McLeod Haflide's Paintings 2007 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
John McLeod Le Tombeau de Poulenc 2006 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Overture: Revival 2022 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Serenata for Colapesce 2023 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Prelude 4 1980 Solo instrument 0
Kevin Leomo patterns of shadows 2020 Solo instrument 8
Kevin Leomo tracing a line 2023 Solo instrument 7
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Suddenly. Everything feels 2021 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Bill Sweeney Oran-Buidheachas 2013 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Euphoria 1980 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Helen Mackinnon A Symphony of Moral Sentiments 2023 Ensemble (no conductor) 5
Claire McCue In Pursuit... (Double trombone concerto) 2019 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Stephen Chase Out-of-Doors Suite 2023 Other -1
Simon Thacker Tandava 2023 Other 0
Eddie McGuire Big Bang for solo trumpet 2012 Solo instrument 0
Eddie McGuire Orbit for two trumpets 2014 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Stuart MacRae Magnus, noble martyr 2016 Vocal 0
Stuart MacRae Incarnadine 2022 Other 0
Eddie McGuire Big Bang for solo trumpet 2010 Solo instrument 0
Eddie McGuire Orbit for two trumpets 2011 Other 0
Eddie McGuire Five Stars in Auriga 2001 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Renzo Spiteri On a Wing and a Prayer - Shetland 2023 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Katherine Wren On a Wing and a Prayer - Shetland 2023 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Homage to Rodrigo 1996 Solo instrument 0
Eddie McGuire Passing Seasons 2015 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Lewis Coenen-Rowe STUMPED 2021 Stage and ensemble 0
Lewis Coenen-Rowe Stumped 2022 Stage and ensemble 0
Stephen Chase Trio 3 2023 Ensemble (with conductor) 7
Stephen Chase Bagatelles 2023 Ensemble (no conductor) 5
Joe Stollery Grampian Picture 2014 Ensemble (with conductor) 8
Eddie McGuire Amazonia 1987 Solo instrument 0
Eddie McGuire Music of Megaliths 2023 Solo instrument 0
Stuart MacRae INCARNADINE 2021 Other 0
Neil Tòmas Smith Regular Music 2023 Ensemble (with conductor) 0
Eddie McGuire Slipjig Blues 2022 Solo instrument 0
Erin Thomson Expanse 2024 Stage and ensemble 0
The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland New works by Royal Conservatoire of Scotland students 2024 Other 0
Aileen Sweeney new work - world premiere 2024 Ensemble (no conductor) 0
Joe Stollery The Salmon Crossing 2024 Solo instrument 0

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